The International Trainer’s course for FIDE Trainer Titles which was planned to be arranged between 13-20 November 2009 at the same time with World Youth Chess Championship 2009 in Daima Hotel in Kemer, Antalya. The Daima Hotel is one of the official hotels for the WYCC. After the short speeches and the appreciation messages of the president of the Turkish Chess Federation Ali Nihat Yazici and the deputy president of FIDE Georgios Makropoulos the training course started with the first class of GM Efstratios Grivas, who also coaches the Turkish National Team.

GM Stefanova is also here
The training course, which has the main goal of educating trainers and chess teachers on an international basis, will present International Course for FIDE Trainer Titles Diploma approved by FIDE and the FIDE Trainers Commission (TRG).
Detailed information about who is qualified to participate, the course program, summaries of courses, the trainers and other information can be found on the original course program which can be reached from the file below.
Program Photo Gallery